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 大家好! Not gonna lie this week was kinda slow. I'm still adjusting to missionary life and working hard all day. MTC definitely spoiled me because I had so much free time and could sleep a lot more haha. It's been good though and it's getting better.

Hot pot

We found a new person to teach this week! Her name is Meili and she's a sweet little Chinese lady that lives close to Luda. You need to teach someone twice for it to count as a new person so we had two lessons with her just on her porch. I can't really understand much of what she says but I get the basic understanding of what she says. We also had some good visits with less active members in our branch and we even got one to join our church zoom call! We blessed Luda and Lais sacrament with the other Chinese elders this week and it was actually really cool. Luda shared her testimony with us and you could feel the Spirit with all of us there.

More boba

Tuesday we went to hot pot for 文長老 birthday dinner. His parents paid for it so we got a lot and it was sooo good haha. I'm excited for Taiwan because there will be way more Chinese food to eat. I also had a new missionary training on Tuesday that was like 3 hours but it was good. The bay area just got more covid restrictions so outdoor dining and indoor meeting with members is not allowed anymore. It's kinda sad because we can't do exchanges or anything and we spend a lot of time inside already. Today we went to the mission home in Oakland though to get a new car and order name tags. We also went to the Oakland Chinatown for a little bit and got some food. We live in one of the outermost zones so we don't see that many other missionaries so it was fun to go to the mission house and see some other missionaries. Overall it was a good week and I'm still learning lots.


P.S. My mission president told me there's a chance I'll go to Taiwan next transfer so fingers crossed.


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