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Mission Life

 大家好! Wow, it's crazy that I've been out here one week already. I flew out on Tuesday and I was with a bunch of people from my district so it was fun until I left with my new companions. That first night felt so weird as I was laying in a new bed surrounded by strangers. As many of you know I'm pretty quiet especially around new people haha. It'll still take some more time to adjust but I'm getting used to living with my companions and working as a missionary.

First time meeting my companions

I'm in a trio so my trainer is Elder Vos and then we also have Elder Lopez. They're both super cool and have been out here for about 4 months now. Elder Vos has pretty good Chinese but we're all still new so we don't quite understand everything people say haha. I realized that I actually learned quite a bit of vocabulary in the MTC but now I need to work on fluency and understanding others. We split our branch with another Chinese trio and we do a lot of stuff with them so that's super fun.

Thanksgiving Dinner provided by members

Kept forgetting to take pictures of my boba, hahaha!

Flight to Oakland

Hayward has been a nice area to live in. Our apartment used to be a sisters apartment so it's actually pretty nice. Our branch is kinda small so we work with the members a lot. There's a sweet old Chinese lady named Luda that has us come over like everyday to do something for her haha. But it's been good practice for my Chinese as well as just getting to know the members. Missionary work is a lot different from MTC life and I'm a lot more tired by the end of the day. But I love the spirit I feel when I'm out doing things for the Lord and I know he will help me adjust to this new environment. I'm excited to keep learning and growing. 我愛你們!

Helping Luda



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