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Week 2

 大家好! Wow, this week went by fast. I feel like I've been in the MTC for forever but it's really only been a little more than a week. I'm still getting used to the schedule though haha. It's definitely a struggle to wake up at 6:30 every day for me but I'm getting there. It's kinda nice when you can take naps in the morning haha. I still wish I could've gone to the Provo MTC but being at home has allowed me to spend more time with my family and I'm grateful for that. Class has been fun though and we've been learning so much about the Gospel in Chinese and English. I can definitely see the Gift of Tongues helping me to learn Mandarin but I'm still far from being fluent haha. I've been trying to memorize at least 30 new words a day, do my stuff on Embark, and memorize My Purpose, the First Vision, and Moroni 10:3-5 all in Chinese. It's nice having a lot of time for Language Study and my ability to quickly memorize stuff has helped a lot but the greater blessing I've seen is being able to understand my teachers more and me answering questions with as much Chinese as I know. There is still so much grammar and vocab I don't understand but it has really helped me to focus on the simple truths of the gospel and being able to testify of them. We also studied a lot in Alma this week and I love the examples of Alma and the sons of Mosiah but especially Ammon. We talked about Ammon and when he was first captured by Lamoni he immediately thought of how he could serve him. It made me realize that great missionaries are ones who serve the people around them even if the people don't like them or even hate them. I don't know what the people in Taiwan will be like but I feel like I'm ready to serve them in any way I can. Me and my companion, Elder Jackson, had our first TRCs this week. It's basically where you sign up for a time to teach someone provided by the MTC. Fortunately, our first TRCs were all in English so we weren't too worried about it haha. Our first TRC was with a guy named Dwayne and we thought it went great! Unfortunately, we still haven't gotten our results for it haha. The next day we did one with Katie and both me and my companion felt like it was worse than our first one haha; however, our results said that we did really good so that was a blessing. I guess we'll see if our lesson with Dwayne was as good as we thought it was haha. Overall, it's been a really great week and I'm excited to keep learning Chinese, growing my testimony, and hopefully make it to Taiwan one day haha. Love you all!


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