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 大家好! I got my reassignment this week! I'll be going to the Colorado Denver  North Mission on December 2nd. There's a couple other missionaries from my district going there and I'm super excited. I still hope I get to go to  Taiwan relatively quickly. I'm starting to get together all my luggage and finish up some stuff and it makes it feel a lot more real haha. I know I  still have a while but I can't believe I finished my 5th week and am now past the halfway mark. The weeks have gone by so fast but at the same time, each day seems really slow. I've been a missionary for a full month now which seems like forever. I'm doing good though and I keep learning and growing every day. This week I focused a lot more on my daily planning because I felt like I was kind of struggling with it. Instead of setting aside just general blocks of time, I decided to plan smaller increments of time with specific things to do and goals. This turned out to help me so much more and it was a lot easier to get everything done when it was broken into smaller parts. I know I'm not perfect at it but as I learn and study I  know the Spirit will help guide me to make my planning more effective. This week in class we went over all the sections in the first lesson of PMG and at the end of the week, we had the chance to practice teaching the whole first lesson. We've already memorized the First Vision so we could use that in our teaching. It's crazy how even when we watch demonstrations or try to teach in our broken Chinese, the Spirit is soooo strong whenever the First  Vision is shared. Even with our limited vocabulary we can still teach simple truths and invite the Spirit through Joseph's experience and our own testimonies. I feel like this has comforted me a lot because a lot of times  I wish I could explain concepts more in-depth using English, but learning  Chinese has forced me to focus on simple, easy to understand truths that I  can testify of. I love how this gospel and our message is so simple and we can still share it with our limited ability to speak in another language. I  can't wait to get out to Denver, Taiwan, or wherever and share this joy with others! Love you all!


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